Studio Series
Studio Series
Studio Series
In collaboration with our friends at 2020land, we created this series about everyday heroes. Three illustrators with completely different styles drew their own personal heroes, which ranged from a friend who rescues street cats to a friendly neighborhood barista. This was a creative exercise to show human connection and how even the smallest of actions can impact our lives.
In collaboration with our friends at 2020land, we created this series about everyday heroes. Three illustrators with completely different styles drew their own personal heroes, which ranged from a friend who rescues street cats to a friendly neighborhood barista. This was a creative exercise to show human connection and how even the smallest of actions can impact our lives.
In collaboration with our friends at 2020land, we created this series about everyday heroes. Three illustrators with completely different styles drew their own personal heroes, which ranged from a friend who rescues street cats to a friendly neighborhood barista. This was a creative exercise to show human connection and how even the smallest of actions can impact our lives.
Illustration by Mar Hernández